The Creature Club

You've read the magazine and you now what the Creature Club is looking for! Chloe's Creature Club is looking for three more animals/creatures to add to her group, but she can't do that without YOU! Can you help her?

Here's what you can do to help: vote for your favorite Ancient Egypt animal (scroll down), or you can send in your decision by email at, and we'll be sure to see it!

The Creature Club wants 2 Ancient Egyptian creatures and 1 animal of your choice (a pet of yours or any, any other creature you'd like added). Who will join the club, and who will not?

Here's the list of the animals that have been voted for:

1. Hippopotamus
2. Cat
3. King Cobra
4. Soft-shell turtle
5. Sloth
6. Penguin
7. Hawk


If you want any of these creatures or others of your own (plus the the ones in the voting box) to join the club, all you need to do is... VOTE FOR THEM!!! You can vote for your creature multiple times, so that it gets a higher chance of winning! Don't forget that the results will be revealed in the next issue of History Magazine, so stay tuned. If you haven't subscribed yet, please do so by clicking on the 'Subscribe' page and filling in the details needed.

Chloe's Creature Club's Voting Box

Name: *

Email: *

Which creature would you like to vote for? *

 King Cobra 

Your own creature:

Want your own creature to be in the Creature Club? Tell us what it is here!

Your Pet!

You can tell us more about your pet (it just might get featured in the magazine) right here! Just fill in the details below!

Name of your pet:

How old is your pet?

Tell us about your pet!

Upload a picture of your pet:


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